Friday, April 20, 2007

What is it that makes a BODY BUILDING CHAMPIONS like MR OLYMPIA?

Many say it's genetics. Some say hard work. Others believe BODYBUILDER discipline is the answer. They're all correct. It takes the discipline of consistent hard work and time in the gym. To be a MR OLYMPIAS It takes a strong desire and belief in one's purpose for achievement. And it takes the absolute certainty that one's goal will be reached that helps mold BODY BUILDING CHAMPIONS.
Champions, whether they be in bodybuilidng or any other sport, share many qualities that are uniquely their own. The will to push themselves to new and greater limits. The quality of resiliency - to be knocked down by the blows of life and to come back stronger than ever. The inexhaustible and indefatigable power to never give up until they've accomplished the goals that drive them.

Body building champions are not cut from the same cloth as the majority of people. While others accept, many times helplessly, the events that happen in their lives, body building champions go out to create the events they want to happen. There is a big difference.


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